Prevent | Protect | Prepare | Pursue

Our global strength is our law enforcement, public safety, and security community. For fifty five years we have brought authorities together with expertise and experience to address challenges and share experiences through collaboration, discussion, and research. We encourage senior command officers and officials at every skill level to step forward and engage, practice, teach, and learn from one another.

Port Security Dimension

It takes a community to protect an authority...

Information / Physical / Cyber / Personnel | Tactics - Practises - Training - Solutions

Mass People Environments are some of the most vulnerable security communities; we work as a team addressing solutions!

A key element of addressing today’s threat environment is to incorporate practices that have been shown to have proven success in the past.

A strategy incorporating intelligence and evidence-based guidance can help provide sustainable solutions.

Incident Management: working together, we have reviewed major incidents and have learned the good, the bad, and the ugly to find security solutions, increase collaboration, refine communication, avoid mistakes, and build resilience.

Effectively Manage Authority Risk

Assurance for Organizational Security

The Port Security Management System (PSeMS) serves as a comprehensive framework and approach designed to coordinate various processes and procedures related to security within an organization. It encompasses governance, legal requirements, operating procedures, delivery mechanisms, monitoring protocols, review processes, and audit mechanisms, all aimed at ensuring security assurance.

In simpler terms, PSeMS functions as a practice integrated into the day-to-day activities of an organization. It amalgamates diverse processes such as governance, communication, risk management, and performance monitoring into the organization's regular operations. By doing so, PSeMS aids in identifying and addressing any gaps in security measures, thus forming a crucial component of effective security management and risk mitigation strategies.

See Say Act

Evidence Based Practices

Embrace tactics that aim to disrupt a range of criminal activity, including terrorism, while providing a reassuring presence for the public.

Community Security

Best Practice

Designed for Port Authorities

CSBP brings together principles based on lessons learned, evidence based practices and assurance security systems forming a methodology and approach that supports security resiliance.

What We Do

Maritime and Aviation Authorities

Counterterrorism, Transnational Crime, Protective Security and Public Safety.

We collaborate to enhance risk mitigation by providing our member law enforcement and public safety authorities with effective tools, methods, and evaluations.

Our efforts and relationships include United Nations Agencies, NATO, national governments, international and national organizations, and selected partners.

Together, We are a Global Force